SafeStack Community

A safe, digital community, curated and moderated by the SafeStack team 

The SafeStack Community is available to Learner of our Secure Development program.

What is the SafeStack Community?

The SafeStack Community is a digital gathering place for our paid Secure Development subscribers.  It’s a social learning environment where like-minded folks can ask questions, help each other, and connect over all things application security.
Who can access the SafeStack Community?
The SafeStack Community is available to subscribers of our Secure Development program on Team plan. It’s curated and moderated by the SafeStack team to keep it a safe space for learners to share and collaborate. 

How do I access the SafeStack Community?

The SafeStack Community is open to all paid subscribers in our Secure Development program via learner Dashboard. Check your left-side bar for a "Community" tab. Set up your profile and enjoy the benefits of the community.
Want to know more about the SafeStack Community?

We have a lot to share about our SafeStack community.  Visit our Community page to learn more. 

Still need help?

Couldn't find your answer or need further assistance? Send a message to our support team.